Start date: 01.09.2018

End date: 31.08.2021


Project partners:

  • University of Almeria (ES) – University – Leader.
  • FEMEVAL (ES) – “Valencia Employers’ Federation of the Metal Sector”.
  • SEERC (GR) – South East European Research Centre.
  • SEVE (GR) – Greek Exporters’ Association – Industry Association.
  • ISTUD (IT) – Higher Education Institution Business School in Milan.
  • University of Lodz (PL) – University.
  • Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship (PL) – Association.

DIGI-GRENT aims to develop an innovative, transnational framework that will improve the knowledge and skills of academic institutions to produce more marked/startup oriented DREP curricula, reducing the barriers in this field. The project consortium comprises key academics, investors, industry/employment associations, startup associations, and societal growth partners (and associated partners) from different sectors who will co-create the envisaged DREP curriculum and will pilot it through an open innovation and co-creation virtual learning environment (VLE). Through the curriculum that will be created, these target groups will be trained in the basic idea needed to understand social responsibility, environmental sustainability and citizen participation through modern business practices (startups, etc.) in order to maximize the impact associated with social responsibility and environmental sustainability in a digitized context.

Site of DIGI-GRENT project: